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Qatar’s dream of being the peace ambassador in Middle East despite its support to terrorism

As the United Arab Emirates and Israel progress towards peace in the region, Qatar seems to be in no mood to let the two countries take credit for it and instead aims at becoming a pseudo leader for the peace talks in the Middle Eastern region.

Qatar wants to endorse itself as the ambassador for peace in the region even as it continues to support and fund terrorism. It is of common knowledge that Qatar has been supporting Hamas, a Palestinian funadamentalist militant orgaisations, equipping it with arms and ammunitions along with money. Not only does Qatar backs Hamas diplomatically but it has been sheltering its exiled leader Khaled Mashaal and spending millions of dollars on the terror group.

Back in 2007, Hamas got support of Qatar when it had kicked out the less powerful group of Palestinian authorities out of the Gaza Strip in battle where nearly 115 people were killed and over 500 were left injured. Even after all of this, Qatar has been supporting the aggressive militant organisation, which has caused years of unrest and disputes in the region and now, ironically, wants to be cited as the peace promoter for the Middle East.

Qatar is openly moulding the facts and running a hate campaign against the Jews and this deal. Social media campaigns are being created to divert the attention of the public from the deal and what good will it bring to the table to spreading anti-semetic views on the platform. One of the core media outlets that Doha has been using is Al-Jazeera which has been in the radar for its hostility towards Jews and has been hosting the controversial Imam Yousef al-Kharadawi, who asked Muslims everywhere to come in defense of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. He further asked them to come in support of killing Jews as well.

Qatar has been blaming UAE for acting as servants for the United States and instigating the Christians and Jews of the Arab world. The continuous attempt to downgrade the efforts of countries to promote peace and diplomatic relations by Qatar may have dangerous implications in future. However, quite contradictory to what Qatra has been promoting for the last few months, the country seems to have forgotten that it was one of the first ones among Gulf states to settle ties with Israel. It became the first one to invite Israeli students to the country. Here Qatar’s aim was to taken over Americans who were in support of Israel which gave birth to a lot confusion due Qatar’s support of Iran and terrorism and America standing agaisnt it.

As per the recent developments, talks of isolating Qatar has been increasing in the US administration following the footsteps of Qatar’s neighbors. Qatar has been isolated by the neigbouring countries since 2017 due to its contibutuon in funding terrorism across the globe 


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