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Showing posts from August, 2021

Egypt’s stern stance on the Muslim Brotherhood, bans books on group and extremism

  In line with its actions against the growing threat of terrorism in the country and the regions, Egypt has announced ban on books on extremism and the Muslim Brotherhood in Mosques. The action will be implemented in the next 15 days, announced the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments. Egyptian minister Mohammed Mokhtar Gomma stressed on the decision saying that the government will be going through the books in the libraries of the mosques and there will be proper re-examining of those literature, magazines and other things. They will be removed if it is found that they have extremist ideology or belong to any particular extremist group. He also emphasized that those who did not adhere to the ruling or the directive, will have to bear tough punishments. Mokhtar further warned all the imams to take a pledge to not allow any books to be included in the mosque libraries until they receive permission from the General Administration of Religious Guidance in the Ministry’s general office. Ot

“Raisi Organization May Not Be Aware How Critical the Situation is”

Here’s something I want to share today. It’s about how Raisi organization has no clue of criticalness in getting back to the conversations. This has driven US State Department representative Ned Price to ask Tehran to get back to the exchanges soon so we can look to finish up our work. In fact, their message to President Raisi is equivalent to our message to his archetypes: The US will safeguard and propel our public safety interests and those of our accomplices." Looking at it, their desire to protect and propel Washington and its partners' public advantages, the US should give the system a final proposal for a re-visitation of the atomic arrangement. It is antagonistic to the public interests of the US and its partners to release the atomic discussions on endlessly while the Iranian system propels its atomic program and draws nearer to turning into an atomic state.

Suspicion about Afghan evacuee having links with ISIS, Daesh grow in Qatar

  Qatar has been excelling in turning things in its favor for years. Despite the certain thing   possessing a threat in the region, Qatar remains adamant about having to fetch out benefits from a particular resource and exploit it to the maximum and it has become even more evident in the last few days. Seeking shelter, many Afghan refugees flew to Qatar and plan to stay there till some other permanent arrangements are not made. In the name of giving them facilities, Qatar merely gave them a tent, where hundreds of people were asked to use one washroom. Not only does this highlight human rights violations in the country but also the inhumane approach Qatar is capable of taking against people. Even now, when reports about some of the Afghan evacuees having link with terror bodies like ISIS and Daesh came into the picture, one would assume that Qatar will take some calls keeping the safety of the region in mind but on the contrary, the country is focused towards finding ways to take t

“The Affirmation of Obligation from NATO Powers”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about what is really missing is any veritable affirmation of obligation from NATO powers, and especially the US, for what is happening. These evacuee streams are an immediate consequence of the incompetent and badly arranged withdrawal just as Taliban constraint. However I can see that numerous Afghans, eminently ladies, who are most in danger, are in peril since they partook in Western-sponsored programs that Western governments were quite glad to advance and use for photograph operations. Scholars and writers are in danger, and even game stars. The dazzling inability to pull out with request and honor is being compounded by a far more terrible inability to ensure those we put in danger.

“The Historic Symbolism for What’s Happening in Afghanistan”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about how similar it is with the case with Vietnam and relations in Southeast Asia, a similar condition will apply in Afghanistan: Balancing relations between the US and a more decisive China. However, basically, both the US and China are looking for a similar assurance from the Taliban, and it identifies with security and non-impedance. That is predictable with what Russia seeks after, as well. Looking at it, Numerous experts as of now say that there has been concession to this point during the Doha talks, with a responsibility from the Taliban. The greater danger is the copying by different gatherings that the Taliban can guarantee are outside their ability to control, where case common conflicts will fan out like quickly. The truth will surface eventually in case that is the situation and if Afghanistan will become country C in a future question. My bet is it will.

“Perhaps, It’s About Managing the New Political Reality of Afghanistan”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about how the Taliban have arisen as an unmatched power in Afghanistan. Interestingly, they have assumed full responsibility for the country with no impressive military obstruction within a reasonable time-frame. This leaves the world with no choice except for to manage Afghanistan's new political reality. Looking at it, the withdrawal of unfamiliar powers, the Afghan public additionally should conform to the new ordinary under the Taliban-drove rule. The change is now obvious in Kabul, where female TV secures have selected to wear the hijab, no question out of dread of the Taliban. Aside several occurrences of Taliban shooters shooting unarmed regular people, a scary quietness perseveres in metropolitan places.

Tunisia: The only Arab Spring success story that has its democracy in crisis now

 Tunisia was known as the only success story of Arab Spring that was first to topple over its long time dictator. But now the same county is facing a democracy crisis, after having a successful decade long run of established democracy. But all the accomplishments are now in jeopardy as a result of political stronghold, corruption and destabilizing economy. Tunisia has been witnessing withering economy and living standards since many years now. The credit for this goes to politicians who have deviated from giving a purposeful direction to country’s progress. Tunisia has seen many coalition governments come to power in quick succession. But none managed to bring a progressive successful direction to the country but rather what they brought in were new players that used Tunisia’s wealth and resources to their own interests, leading to corruption and increasing public frustration. Since Arab Spring to 2019, Tunisia has witnessed just an increase of 1.8% per year in economy on an average. T

As Taliban captures Kabul, Afghan leaders arrive in Pakistan

  As the Taliban took control of Kabul, a delegation of the Afghan political leadership, including Speaker of the House of the People Mir Rehman Rehmani, arrived in Islamabad, Pakistan. The national security of Pakistan is urging Afghan leaders to try to quickly reach a politically negotiated settlement with the Taliban to avoid further violence in Afghanistan. Since it is taking the lives of many people and have settled the feeling of death from fear in thousands.   The adviser, Moeed Yusuf, appealed to Islamabad by saying that the fall of the city after city in neighbouring Afghanistan underscores the need to expedite the peace process. Since they have considerable influence over the Taliban and has in the past succeeded in pressuring them to the negotiating table, it is hoped that this time as well they can reach a peaceful conclusion.   Although, Kabul has criticized Islamabad for offering shelter to Taliban leaders and has claimed the neighbouring country also provides a h

“The Lingering Questions that Needs to be Answered”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about late Israeli land seizures in the Jordan Valley region reserved for a Palestinian air terminal, and the refusal to permit Palestinians to work in the Tayseer region, close to the West Bank city of Jenin, are only two late instances of Israeli endeavors to upset Palestinian endeavors.   Looking at it, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will almost certainly give the Israeli executive a warm gathering in Washington. The central issues are: Will US-Israeli relations be based on genuineness and certifiable help for harmony in the Middle East? Or on the other hand, will the Israelis keep on pulling off rough occupation and illicit settlement?

Lebanon economic collapse: Central bank ends fuel subsidy

  Lebanese central bank effectively ends the fuel subsidy from Thursday and enforces a credit based transaction for fuel imports which will be entirely based on the market price for the Lebanese pound. The country fuel subsidies for the people but after the financial crisis drained its reserves that have been immensely exploited over the period of two years, the central bank has decided to end the subsidy. This move was announced on Wednesday, late at night and that meant that from the very next day, the fuel prices will see a steep rise. The Lebanese media made rough resorts on how much of changes will ending subsidies bring to the fuel prices. They said that the price of unsubsidized 95 octane gasoline will be roughly four times the subsidized price. The currency of the country has lost more than 90 percent of its value in less than two years and even the World Bank has described it as the sharpest depression in modern history. Talking about the recent line of moves to save the c

“The America’s Division is a Challenging Mission to Face”

Here’s something I want to share today. It’s about how America's divisions as communicated in reviews reflect entirely went against center perspectives, and this partisanship not just influences the capacity of an organization to oversee at home yet in addition its capacity to lead international strategy from a place of solidarity. Progressively, discusses have declined into individual assaults and character deaths that question rivals' profound quality and truthfulness. In a general public with extraordinary compared to other training frameworks on the planet, where logical and basic reasoning is purified, surveys show that a stressing number of Americans hold questions concerning whether researchers settle on choices exclusively dependent on realities.   So we shouldn't be that astonished that rather than reality based and useful discussion, we are seeing debates dependent on assumptions, biases a lot along the lines that empowered egalitarians in the Trump shape to

Qatar elections are surrounded by racist treatment, political bias and more. What is going on?

With the way the Qatari regime has been ruling the country, it comes as no shock to see news about human related atrocities coming out everyday. But things have gone beyond that as now even the election practices are being targeted by the powerful to spread racism, regional divide and more. The elections are scheduled for October and just ahead of the administrative process, The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani has ratified an electoral law. This electoral law is directed to the first legislative elections in the country. With  the changes, anyone whose original nationality is Qatari and is 18 years of age and above shall have the right to elect members of the Shoura Council. Till there, one would assume that this is a positive development but that's not the case. The test however is not the first three lines of the law but the issue seems to be with the latter part that states that those who have acquired Qatari nationality will not be able to be included here.

“The Worldwide Business Has Been Obliterated by the Pandemic”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about t he travel industry is a significant supporter of economies around the world, even those of rich nations, however the worldwide business has been obliterated by the pandemic. Since global travel is beginning to resume and objections are returning, it is essential for governments to help their neighborhood the travel industry areas recuperate by guaranteeing that whatever number individuals as would be prudent can visit.   The heads of rich nations need to acknowledge they are not aiding their travel industry enterprises to bob back by hammering the entryway on an enormous segment of the worldwide populace. For those stressed over the development of extra floods of the pandemic, or unfamiliar guests conveying the infection to their nations, current safeguards, for example, RT-PCR tests for explorers are sufficient to go about as a hearty hindrance to the infection, so rich countries don't have to get c

“Lebanon Issues Intensify: It’s Close to A Mafia Movie if You Will Think About it”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about the Arab nations have broken liberated from this arm-bending plan and are done able to comply with it. The West, for compassionate reasons as well as for public safety intentions, is tolerating the present circumstance. I have little expectation that any assets raised by any highest point will contact individuals who truly need it. Actually like in the film, the criminal gatherings will figure out how to sneak it out of the nation and exchange it, presumably in Syria.   For me, Regardless of the ruckus and legitimized fury of the Lebanese public, there is little expect change. Unquestionably, as in The Godfather which is the force goes to whoever controls the roads; whoever has equipped men on the ground; whoever has the muscle. In Lebanon, it is Hezbollah. Conflicts in Khalde this week have told that they realize the best way to use sovereign organizations to clear out even the littlest and most immateria

“How The Day of Exploitation Is Still Significant this Season”

  Here’s something I want to share today. It’s about how the 15th of August is a day of fortitude with individuals of Kashmir in the universally challenged domain of Jammu and Kashmir. For Pakistan, it is the second commemoration of " Youm-e-Istehsa l" which is the Day of Exploitation. On this day in 2019, India attached the past Muslim greater part state in the wake of revoking Article 370 of its constitution, which gave it semi-self-governing status. India likewise separated the area into Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, and made them part of the Union of India.   Looking at it, This one-sided act was an infringement of the UN Security Council (UNSC) goals that ensure individuals of Kashmir their right to self-assurance and suggest the holding of an UN-commanded plebiscite in the contested domain. This domain is partitioned by the Line of Control among India and Pakistan. Notwithstanding, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in Pakistan keeps on holding independence and has recen

“Israel is More Guarded Than What People Expected”

  I want to share something interesting about what I read today. It’s about how  there are three terms that immediately get under Israeli authorities' skin and make them considerably more guarded than expected: Apartheid, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), and atrocities. In the event that any of these thoughts is referenced, authorities will blame the global local area for being innately biased against Israel and — as a rule as the last line of protection — guarantee there are more terrible violators of common freedoms than Israel.   Looking at it, few would contend that maltreatments of basic freedoms don't happen in many pieces of the world, both way too oftentimes and with unsuitable savagery. Yet, this is not really a defense for Israel's conduct opposite the Palestinians in ordinary seasons of occupation and barricade, not to mention when threats break out between the different sides and the circumstance further weakens.

Assad army steps up offensive in Daraa

  Shelling was started once again by Syrian regime troops in Daraa in a bid to assert control over an area that has defied state authority since it was retaken three years ago. The army was found unguarded when suddenly rebels captured and took control of troops and provinces in the southern area of Daraa.   Although, the army has sent hundreds of elite troops, dozens of tanks and armoured vehicles to storm the enclave where peaceful protests against Assad family rule began in 2011 and were met by deadly force before spreading across the country.   Worsening the situation, the opposition insists the agreement allowed only civilian control and not of military troops. Abu Jehad al Horani, who is an opposition official said that the regime wants to end what they see as a living symbol of the revolt against it. If they silence it by returning the army they will subjugate the whole Hauran region.   Attacks of this nature spread terror and panic among civilians, leading them to f